Ivy educations, successful careers, adorably squishy babies-- obviously, none of this is a guarantee for wedded bliss. Sadly, there is no equation to determine what will work and what will fail. Though divorce rates in the country have been dropping, it is still hovers around a depressingly high 50%.
So, why do people still get married?
I mean, think about it-- if you were in the market to buy a new car, would you even consider one that breaks down half of the time? Sorry AAA, that would be ridiculous; I wouldn't even drive it off the lot. What about a kitchen appliance? Would you really buy a dishwasher that had dirty dishes every other time you opened it? No, thanks, I'd take it back immediately and ask for a full refund.
Now, I'm not saying I don't ever want to get married. Of course I do. I want to fall in love again and live my own happily-ever-after.
Too bad recovering from a broken heart isn't as easy as returning a toaster oven.
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