la inked

Photo Credit: punkrockrat's Flickr

Really?  Did I really do this?!

Ohmigosh-- I did!!

Craig Jackman at American Electric
and me trying not to flinch in pain
I might have gotten a pre-game donut to calm my nerves (Hey!  It was the closest store with an ATM!).

I might have been clutching onto the end of the bench until my knuckles turned white.

And I might have been "oww-ing" every two to three minutes because I have absolutely no pain tolerance.  (People lie when they say it's "just like a really bad sunburn".)

But I did it.

Before Craig started, we spent a good twenty minutes making sure it was positioned just right.  I mean, it is forever and my OCD self would not be able to handle it being crooked.  After the third transfer attempt and making sure it was absolutely straight:

Him:  "This is your first one, isn't it?"
Me *laughing nervously*: "And by first, you also mean last."
Him: "That's what they all say.  You'll be back."

It's a little soon to say that I'll be wanting that sleeve of pink butterflies and cute dolphins in the future.  But as for this one?  I love it.


1 Response to "la inked"

melissa said... June 29, 2012 at 8:03 AM

Wait, what? Who are you?? And what was the tat?