
People in Los Angeles are flaky, in particular, members of the opposite sex.  Granted, I don't meet quality boys who have their act together (really, you're unemployed and live with your parents?), so I shouldn't be surprised.

Recently, I broke all my rules and had plans to get drinks with a co-worker.  I KNOW.  This goes against pretty much everything I've said about dating within the ivy-covered gates of the studio.

We had made plans a week prior and I put it on the calendar.  Apparently, he did not.

My inbox (my WORK inbox, even worse):
"Soo.... I feel like a jerk, but can we do this another night?  How about Thursday?"

Really, dude?

I haven't responded yet, but I feel like I have a few options....

I could just be a girl:
"Sorry, washing my hair this Thursday night.  And every night after that.  Another time, though!"

 Or a crazy cat-lady:
"Sorry, I promised my seven kitties that I'd stay home on Thursday for some together time."

There was that other guy:
"Sorry, I'm selling my kidney for 700$ and my surgery is scheduled for this Thursday."
(Yes, in case you missed it on Facebook, some dude actually offered to buy my internal organs.)

An imaginary STD is always funny:
"Sorry, I have to go see my gynecologist on Thursday to take care of my herpes!  How about another night?!"*

Or maybe I could try to respond like a grown-up.  Maybe.

*Courtesy of my friend KS

[UPDATE: I was a grown up.  He made me laugh a lot.  We closed the bar.  The End.]


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