new year, new start

2014 Life Resolutions & Goals
- Be more generous.
- Live a healthier lifestyle.
- Surround myself with positive people.
- Carry around a camera. And actually use it.
- Don't be so quick to pass judgement.
- Evaluate my career path.
- Learn how to better communicate with others.
- Collect more passport stamps.
- Take more chances.

I typically have a (semi)reflective year-in-review post.
But this time, I'm ready to just dive in-- both first feet and eyes open.
2014 is going to be the year, guys.  Big things are going to happen.

Burn by Ellie Goulding on Grooveshark
"When the light's turning down/They don't know what they heard
Strike the match/Play it loud/Giving love to the world" -Burn" by Ellie Goulding


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