it's like 2002 all over again

Girls' Weekend 2011 By the Numbers
Years we've known each other: 10+
Annual trips: 4 (and counting!)
Clubs/bars/lounges: 8?
Dollars spent on dining & drinks: 1000$+
Hours I wore high heels: 1 (don't judge)
Hours spent sleeping: 6
Hours spent dancing: 7

Though we've all gone our separate ways since undergrad, every time we get together, I feel like no time has passed.  Since our days at college, JKM, MER, MLY, and I have been though a fair number of life milestones -- graduations, broken relationships, careers, weddings, Mr. Rights/Mr. Right-Nows, and even babies!

However, seeing the girls this past weekend was quite the throwback to the college years-- late night dance party, even later night greasy food (best french fries ever!), and brunch the next day that didn't end until 4pm.  And although I've barely recovered and am maybe still a little bit sleep deprived, I can't wait until 2012!

Yes, I'm wearing flip flops.
That edible orchid was not delicious!
Girls' Night Out, Part 2


1 Response to "it's like 2002 all over again"

Meybe. said... August 10, 2011 at 7:04 AM

Some differences from 2002: no Armenian mafia, no random Hello Kitty beanies on men, and finally, the pushing by other women would have resulted in fisticuffs...