zaza zoom

Hotel Zaza, Downtown Houston

A few bottles of champagne in and right before the midnight countdown, we went around and shared our biggest regrets and accomplishments of 2011.

I originally wrote a long paragraph about relationships and regret that I thought was somewhat insightful/eye-opening/wisdom-filled.  Hah! Upon re-reading, it was just angst-y and teenager-y.  Delete.

I'll just say that he and I were a learning experience I could have done without.  

Other regrets?  Well, I guess I wish I hadn't boycotted the gym since November.  And my waistline seems to agree.

Though it isn't close to done, I would have to say my 30 by 30.  Operation Skinny Jeans, trapezing, 5k, wining and dining-- it covers a pretty wide gamut.  6 down, 24 to go.  The remaining averages to two a month, so I guess I'd better get on it.

Enough reflection.  Let's see what 2012 has to offer.

Shadows and Regrets by Yellowcard on Grooveshark
"When we were only kids/ And we were best of friends
We hoped for the best/ And let go of the rest"- Shadows and Regrets, Yellowcard


1 Response to "zaza zoom"

jane said... February 22, 2012 at 9:07 PM

you look so pretty!