word association

Vegas. Dance Floor. Pure.

Blonde Hair. Blue Eyes. Tall. Young. Danish. Adjunct. Type B. Surfer. Extrovert. Motorcycle.

Sunday. Disney. Neptune's Net. Fried Scallops. Malibu. Sunset. Silver Linings. Magical.

Emotionally Unavailable. "Can't". Damaged. 25. Broken. "Pre-emptive". Scared. Baggage.

It was too comfortable, too fast.

You said you couldn't do it, you weren't ready for it.

You bruised my heart a little.

We had a shelf life and we both knew it.  But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.

Daylight by Maroon 5 on Grooveshark
"We knew this day would come, we knew it all along
How did it come so fast?
This is our last night but it's late
And I'm trying not to sleep.
Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away
And when the daylight comes, I'll have to go
But tonight, I'm gonna hold you so close 

Cause in the daylight, we'll be on our own" - Daylight, Maroon5


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